- 24 Min ActionSci-FiAbenteuerKomödieFantasyAnimation Japan
- Regie
- Drehbuch
- Cast Masako Nozawa, Joji Yanami, Richard Ian Cox, Scott McNeil, Sean Schemmel, Mayumi Tanaka, Ryo Horikawa, Christopher Sabat, Toshio Furukawa, Colleen Clinkenbeard, Sonny Strait, Hiromi Tsuru, Takeshi Kusao, Monica Rial, Naoko Watanabe, Toru Furuya
0/98 Gesehen
1x1 – Der Kampf beginnt
Son Goku hat sich mit seiner Frau Chichi und Sohn Son Gohan auf das Land zurückgezogen. Seit seinem Sieg über Piccolo sind mehr als fünf Jahre vergangen, nun hat Son Goku beschlossen, es ruhig anzugehen. Er schmiedet eifrig Pläne, es sich mit seinen Freunden auf Roshis Insel gemütlich zu machen. Das Vorhaben muss er aber über Bord werfen, als überraschend eine Raumkapsel auf der Erde landet. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x2 – Der Feind ist Gokus großer Bruder?!
Son Goku und sein Sohn Son Gohan sind beim Herrn der Schildkröten zu Besuch und lernen Son Gokus alte Freunde kennen. Es hätte ein schöner Tag werden können, wäre da nicht Raditz, Son Gokus böser älterer Bruder, der der guten Stimmung bald ein Ende bereitet. Als Son Goku der Forderung seines Bruders, ihm zu folgen, nicht nachkommt, zieht das schlimme Folgen nach sich: Sein Sohn Son Gohan wird entführt ... Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x3 – Kampf auf Leben und Tod
Raditz hält Son Gohan nach wie vor gefangen und beabsichtigt auch nicht, diesen bald wieder freizulassen. Zumindest solange nicht, bis dessen Vater Son Goku sich dazu entschließt, Raditz zu folgen und den Saiyajin beizutreten. Son Goku und Piccolo müssen eine Einheit bilden, um Raditz die Stirn bieten zu können. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x4 – Renn durch das Jenseits, Son Goku!
Son Goku und Piccolo haben keine Chance gegen Raditz' Angriffe. Dieser kann mühelos alle Attacken seiner Gegner abwehren. Piccolo heckt einen Plan aus, um doch noch den Sieg für sich zu entscheiden, was ihm auch gelingt - jedoch wird dabei auch Son Goku getötet. Dessen Freunde haben nun ein Jahr Zeit, die Dragon Balls zu finden, um Son Goku wiederzubeleben. Dann kommen nämlich weitere Saiyajin auf die Erde ... Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x5 – Überleben in der Wildnis
Son Gohan wurde von Piccolo in die Wildnis gebracht, um mit seinem Training zu starten und so seine Kräfte zum Vorschein zu bringen. Währenddessen muss Yajirobi eine Nachricht von Meister Quitte überbringen: Gott hat Tenshinhan, Chaozu, Yamchu und Krillin auserkoren, diese zu trainieren, um gegen die Saiyajin, die in einem Jahr auf der Erde landen sollen, anzukämpfen. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x6 – Das Ziel erreicht!
Son Goku ist endlich am Ende des Schlangenpfades angekommen. Aber ist der Affe, der ihn dort erwartet, wirklich Meister Kaio? Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x7 – Kämpf gegen die zehnfache Schwerkraft!
Der echte Meister Kaio gibt Son Goku zwei Aufgaben: Er soll erst den Affen fangen und dann eine fliegende Heuschrecke mit einem großen Hammer treffen. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x8 – Erscheine, Shenlong!
Son Goku hat sich verrechnet: Er schafft es nicht mehr rechtzeitig zurück ins Diesseits. Also bittet er Muten Roshi, ihn mithilfe der Dragon Balls und Shenlong zurück ins Leben zu befördern. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x9 – Yamchus schwerer Kampf!
Die berüchtigten Saiyajin Vegeta und Nappa erscheinen auf der Erde und hinterlassen eine Spur der Verwüstung. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x10 – Warte, Chaozu!
Krillin zerstört alle Pflanzenmänner, die Nappa gesät hat. Doch Yamchu kann er damit auch nicht wieder lebendig machen. Auch Tenshinhan hat kein Glück: Er verliert im Zweikampf einen Arm. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x11 – Wird Son Goku rechtzeitig kommen?!
Nach dem Tod von Chaozu und Tenshinhan steht die Welt erst einmal still. Krillin, Piccolo und Son Gohan bekommen eine Pause gewährt, doch drei Stunden später geht der Kampf gegen Nappa ebenso erbittert weiter wie zuvor. Wo ist bloß Son Goku? Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x12 – Piccolos Tränen
Endlich trifft Son Goku bei seinen Freunden ein und erfährt von den Todesfällen. Zuletzt opferte sich Piccolo, um Son Gohan zu retten. Nun will es Son Goku erst recht mit Nappa aufnehmen, doch dann greift Vegeta ein ... Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x13 – Das ist die Kaioken!
Nappa konnte Son Goku nicht erledigen, also nimmt Vegeta die Sache nun selbst in die Hand – und er ist ein mächtiger Gegner. Selbst die komplexe Technik, die Son Goku im Jenseits erlernte, die doppelte Kaioken, beeindruckt Vegeta nicht. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x14 – Einschlag der Kamehameha!
Son Goku mobilisiert alle seine Kräfte, um Vegeta zu schlagen. Doch der wehrt jede Attacke scheinbar mühelos ab. Am Ende zieht Vegeta sogar noch ein letztes As aus dem Ärmel. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x15 – Goku in höchster Not!
Den riesigen Affen, in den sich Vegeta nun verwandelt hat, kann Son Goku nur auf eine Weise besiegen: mit der Genkidama-Technik. Währenddessen überlegen Krillin, Son Gohan und Yajirobi, wie sie ihrem Freund helfen könnten. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x16 – Sieg über den unbesiegbaren Vegeta!
Im Kampf gegen den mächtigen Vegeta bekommt Son Goku im allerletzten Moment Hilfe von seinen Freunden Krillin und Son Gohan. Gesehen von 8 Usern |
1x17 – Licht nach hartem Kampf?
Der hoffnungsvolle Planet ist Piccolos Heimat! Gesehen von 7 Usern |
1x18 – In Yunsabit steht ein Raumschiff rum!
Goku, Krilin und Gohan erholen sich im Krankenhaus. Bulma versucht, die Raumkapsel der Saiyajin zu bergen, löst aber aus Versehen die Selbstzerstörung aus. Doch Meister Popo weiß Rat! Gesehen von 7 Usern |
1x19 – Ein neuer starker Feind!
Vegeta wird von Freezers Leuten geheilt und erfährt, dass Freezer dabei ist, Namek zu unterwerfen, um die dortigen Dragon Balls in die Finger zu bekommen. Gesehen von 7 Usern |
1x20 – Aufruhr gegen Freezer!
Freeza und seine Schergen sammeln die Dragonballs auf Namek und richten große Zerstörung an. Krilin und Gohan können zwar einige von Freezers Soldaten zurückschlagen, doch nicht bevor ihr Raumschiff zerstört wird. Gesehen von 7 Usern |
1x21 – Beschützt die Dragonballs!
Bulmas Vater hat es geschafft, das Raumschiff zu reparieren. Son Goku macht sich sogleich auf den Weg zu Son Gohan, Krillin und Bulma auf den Planeten Namek. Dessen Bewohner geraten unterdessen in Streit mit Freezer und seinen Untergebenen - alle wollen die Dragonballs. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x22 – Gejagt vom schrecklichen Dodoria!
Krilin und Gohan retten den Namekianerjungen Dende vor Freezers Schergen, doch Dodoria ist ihnen auf den Fersen. Dodoria aber kommt Vegeta in die Quere, der ihn in einen Kampf verwickelt. Währenddessen wüten Freezer und seine Leute weiter auf Namek. Gesehen von 7 Usern |
1x23 – Vegetas Geheimmanöver!
Krillian, Son Gohan und ein Bewohner des Planeten Namek machen sich auf den Weg zu Bulma. Dabei macht Vegeta die Truppe zwar ausfindig, zieht jedoch bald wieder ab, um stattdessen ein ganzes Dorf und dessen Dragonball auszulöschen. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x24 – Wiedergewonnene Freunde!
Krilin und Dende reisen zum Oberhaupt der Namekianer. Vegeta kämpft inzwischen mit Zarbon - und scheint zu gewinnen! Doch da verwandelt sich der Schönling Zarbon in ein superstarkes und superhässliches Monster ... Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x25 – Krillin erstarkt!
Das Oberhaupt der Namekianer weckt Krilins verborgene Kräfte und erklärt sich bereit, auch Son Gohan stärker zu machen, wenn er denn zu ihm komme. Weiter wird er nicht viel helfen können, denn er liegt im Sterben. Freezer ist mit Zarbon unzufrieden und schickt ihn aus, Vegetas Leiche und den letzten Dragonball zu finden. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x26 – Die zerschlagene Verschwörung!
Die Medizintechnik in Freezers Schiff stellt Vegeta wieder her. Der denkt nicht daran, Zarbons braver Gefangener zu sein, bricht aus, verwüstet das Schiff und schleudert die von Freezer gesammelten Dragonballs davon. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x27 – A Hair-Trigger Pinch! Gohan, Protect the Four-Star-Ball
Intimidated by Vegeta's superior strength, Krillin reluctantly surrenders his precious Dragon Ball. A glimmer of hope remains after Gohan secures a ball of his own - but the young warrior is headed for a beat-down courtesy of Vegeta! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x28 – The Super Decisive Battle Draws Near! The Ginyu Special-Squad Has Arrived!
Vegeta intercepts Krillin and Gohan on their mad dash to get powered up by the Eldest Namekian, but larger problems loom on the horizon. Brace yourselves for the arrival of the Ginyu Force! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x29 – The Special-Squad's Frontline Man! Break Gurudo's Spell
Gohan and Krillin fight to survive against Guldo, a member of the Ginyu Force who possesses awesome psychic abilities! With Goku still in space and Vegeta their only ally, things look bleak for Earth's heroes. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x30 – The Hellish Rikuum! Keep Me Entertained, Vegeta-chan
Vegeta ramps his battle power up to impressive levels, but he's still no match for the Ginyu goons. To escape death, he'll need help from some heroic former enemies. Meanwhile, Frieza tries to unlock the magic of the Dragon Balls! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x31 – Son Goku Finally Arrives! Knock the Ginyu Special-Squad Around
At long last, Goku finally completes his journey from Earth and arrives on planet Namek. His friends are gravely injured, but the mighty Saiyan warrior has a bag full of magic beans and a powerful secret! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x32 – The Star Performer Takes the Stage?! Captain Ginyu vs Son Goku
As Frieza prepares for his ruthless interrogation of the Eldest Namekian, Goku shows off the benefits of training in gravity one hundred times that of Earth. Will it be enough to help him defeat Captain Ginyu? Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x33 – Son Goku at Full Power! The Terrified Ginyu Has Something Up His Sleeve?!
Frieza locates the Eldest Namekian, but Nail intercepts the evil entity, risking his own life to preserve the Dragon Balls. Elsewhere, Gohan and Krillin rescue a damsel from some dinosaurs, and Goku continues his battle with Cpt. Ginyu. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x34 – Surprise! Goku Is Ginyu and Ginyu Is Goku?!
Gohan and Krillin unearth the Dragon Balls, but their attempts to summon Shenron fail miserably. Later, Cpt. Ginyu's devious strategy forces Earth's warriors to do the unthinkable: attack Goku's flesh and bones with chilling ferocity! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x35 – A Great Turnabout for Goku?! Super Shenron, Come Out Right Now!
Goku and his body are reunited, but the noble Saiyan is severely injured and unable to fight. A Namekian messenger rushes to assist Gohan and Krillin in summoning Shenron, but there's no guarantee he'll arrive before Frieza. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x36 – An Enraged Freeza Draws Near! Porunga... Grant This Wish!
Kami and King Kai concoct a plan to restore the wish-granting power of the Namekian Dragon Balls, and Goku continues his epic battle with the villainous Frieza! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x37 – A Nightmarish Super Transformation! Freeza's Battle Power Reaches One Million
Piccolo is resurrected and ready to rumble, but his arrival is delayed by an encounter with a dying Namekian. Meanwhile, Vegeta prepares to throw down with Frieza, but the Saiyan prince may be badly overmatched. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x38 – Freeza Bares His Fangs! Transcendent Power Attacks Gohan
Vegeta is impressed by Gohan's furious outburst after Frieza strikes a death blow against Krillin. The two Saiyans work together to defeat the monster, but even their combined powers won't be enough spare their lives! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x39 – The Reborn Piccolo Arrives! A Furious Freeza's 2nd Transformation
Piccolo joins the battle in progress and quickly attacks Frieza with the strength of two Namekian warriors. The powerful villain is caught off guard, but a second transformation gives him the strength to finish the fight once and for all! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x40 – Freeza's Last Super Transformation! A Terror Greater Than Hell Begins
Frieza has begun his ultimate transformation, and Vegeta's only hope to defeat the monster is suffering a mortal wound. If the Saiyan warrior can convince Dende to restore his strength, he may gain the power to defeat his enemy! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x41 – The Moment We've Waited For! Son Goku Is Revived
Vegeta gives his increased power and speed a test run by launching a violent attack on Frieza, but no matter how furiously he fights, the Saiyan is unable to penetrate his enemy's defenses! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x42 – Defeat Freeza, Son Goku! The Proud Vegeta's Tears
Goku arrives at the battle scene only to find Vegeta battered and badly beaten. With his dying breath, the Saiyan prince reveals the truth about Frieza's roll in the death of Goku's father, prompting a fierce outburst of Saiyan pride! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x43 – Son Goku vs Freeza! The Curtain Opens on the Super Decisive Battle!
Goku and Frieza go head to head in a vicious slugfest that threatens to destroy the planet of Namek. Krillin and Gohan are amazed by the brutality of the battle, but Piccolo believes two warriors are just warming up! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x44 – A Physical War That Exceeds All Limits! Goku and Freeza and Ginyu, Again?!
The bruises are multiplying as Goku and Frieza continue to pummel each other mercilessly! Meanwhile, Bulma's encounter with an unusual frog leads to an out-of-body experience! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x45 – It's a 20-Fold Kaio-ken! A Kamehameha with Everything on the Line
After suffering a savage beating at the hands of Frieza, Goku summons the awesome power of the Kaio-Ken! If his desperate attack succeeds, victory will be his, but if it fails, the Saiyan race will be eliminated! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x46 – This Is the Last Trump Card! Goku's Extra-Large Genki-dama
When his most powerful attacks fail to faze Frieza, Goku turns to his ultimate weapon: the Spirit Bomb! Piccolo joins the fight to buy Goku some time, but can the noble Namekian survive long enough to taste sweet victory? Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x47 – Awaken, Legendary Warrior... Son Goku, the Super Saiyan!
With the help of his friends, Goku succeeds in blasting Frieza with a gargantuan Spirit Bomb! Victory seems assured, but when the monster remerges to strike a shockingly fatal blow - Goku undergoes a powerful transformation! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x48 – The Angry Super Saiyan! Throw Your Hat in the Ring, Son Goku!
While Gohan races to save Piccolo, Goku inflicts a Super-Saiyan beating on Frieza. The blonde brawler's impressive new powers drive his opponent to a desperate counterattack that could obliterate Namek! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x49 – Exact Vengeance, Son Goku! The Countdown to the Planet's Collapse
Despite the danger of Namek's impending implosion, Goku continues his battle with Frieza, determined to extract revenge for Krillin's murder. Elsewhere, Gohan tries to locate Bluma before it's too late! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x50 – Freeza's Do-or-Die Full Power! Shenlong, Heed This Wish
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1x51 – Goku's Furious Battle Cry! Make It in Time... The Resurrection Wish!
After Goku is seemingly defeated by Frieza, Gohan enters the fight to avenge the loss of his father. Meanwhile, a newly resurrected Dende rushes to make a final wish before planet Namek is destroyed. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x52 – Two Remain on a Vanishing Planet! This Is the Final Showdown
Goku and Frieza continue their epic battle as planet Namek crumbles beneath their feet. Back on Earth, Gohan eagerly awaits word of his father's ultimate fate! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x53 – Son Goku's Final Blow... Planet Namek Scatters Throughout Space
Goku's ill-advised display of mercy leads to a treacherous final attack by Frieza. As the epic battle between the two warriors reaches its climax, planet Namek teeters on the brink of ultimate destruction! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x54 – Goku Vanishes in Space... Super Warriors, Return to Life!
Frieza is defeated, Namek has been obliterated, and the whereabouts of Goku remain a mystery. How will Earth carry on without its Super Saiyan hero? And what will become of the Namekian refugees? Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x55 – That's Earth, Papa... Freeza and His Father Strike Back
The wreckage of Frieza's body is rebuilt by the monster's fiendish father! Together, they embark on a mission to eradicate life on Earth. Will Goku return home in time to save his friends? Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x56 – I'll Defeat Freeza! Another Super Saiyan
The bone-chilling onslaught of Frieza and King Cold is brought to a halt by a mysterious stranger with a mighty sword, but only time will tell if this new warrior is friend or foe! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x57 – Welcome Back, Son Goku! The Confession of the Mysterious Boy, Trunks
The formidable stranger finally reveals the secret of his origins after a Super Saiyan sparring session with Goku. The oddly familiar fighter is a visitor from the future sent to deliver a grave warning! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x58 – Goku's New Technique, Instant Movement! Special Training Staked on 3 Years from Now
Goku tells the amazing story of how he survived the destruction of Namek, and the heroic warriors begin their training for a looming showdown with the Androids! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x59 – The Pair Who Don't Leave a Trace! The Artificial Humans Appear
Goku and his friends eagerly await the arrival of the Androids, but Yamcha's confrontation with the mechanized monsters suggests that Earth's heroes may be up against more muscle they can handle! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x60 – Attacked on Both Sides by an Internal Enemy?! Son Goku vs Artificial Human No. 19
Goku tries to pulverize the Androids with a devastating display of his Super Saiyan strength, but a mysterious ailment prevents the mighty warrior from unleashing his true power! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x61 – No Chance of Victory Against No. 19! Super Vegeta Arrives Late
Vegeta's sudden arrival creates an opening for the others to rescue Goku. While Yamcha rushes the fallen hero to safety, Vegeta reveals his new and improved fighting style - including the Big Bang Attack! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x62 – Piccolo's Assault! The Missing No. 20 and the Future Gone Eschew
Goku wages a life and death battle with a deadly heart condition, Piccolo takes center stage in the battle to destroy Android 20, and Trunks returns from the future with a disturbing revelation. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x63 – Pursue Doctor Gero...! The Search for the Mysterious Laboratory!
While Piccolo and company search for Dr. Gero's secret laboratory, Vegeta sets out to hunt down and destroy Android 20. Meanwhile, Trunks tries everything in his power to save his stubborn father! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x64 – No. 17, No. 18, and...! The Artificial Humans Awaken
The newly activated Androids 17 and 18 provide a display of their unprecedented power and cruelty. Vegeta is eager to fight, but he soon finds himself outnumbered three to one! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x65 – A Cute Face, and Super Power?! No. 18 vs Vegeta
One by one, Vegeta and his reluctant allies meet horrific ends at the hands of the unstoppable Androids. A bed-stricken Goku is Earth's only hope, but there's a specially-designed Android waiting to destroy him! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x66 – The Time Has Come to Become One Again... Piccolo's Decision for Ultimate Power!
Faced with an unbeatable enemy, Vegeta flies away in a solitary rage, and Piccolo seeks out Kami on a quest to increase his power by whatever means necessary! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x67 – One More Time Machine?! Bulma Unveils a Mystery
While Kami considers merging with Piccolo, Trunks and the others discover a second time machine. Elsewhere, Vegeta vows to become strong enough to defeat the Android invaders! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x68 – And So the Monster Makes Its Move... Take Off! It's the Super Namekian!
During their investigation of the second time machine, Gohan and company stumble upon the shell of what appears to be a monstrous creature. Later, a horrific vision forces Kami to accept his fate and merge with Piccolo! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x69 – I Am Your Brother! The Monster Who Possesses Goku's Ki
The Super Namekian formerly known as Piccolo finds himself face-to-face with the most terrifying monster the world has ever seen. Who is this new threat? And why does he have Goku's power? Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x70 – A Devious Trick, the Taiyo-ken! Chase After the Artificial Human Cell
Cell - believing he has defeated Piccolo - foolishly reveals the mysteries of his hideous origins. Little does the monster know, the powerful Super Namekian cannot be conquered so easily! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x71 – Attack the Elusive Cell! Son Goku Is Finally Revived!
Cell continues his bloodthirsty rampage, Krillin and Trunks destroy what little remains of Dr. Gero's laboratory, and Goku awakens from his extended slumber ready to fight! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x72 – Surpass Super Saiyan! Now, Into the Room of Spirit and Time
Goku leads his Saiyan brethren to a secret room designed for highly-advanced training. Meanwhile, Piccolo puts his enhanced powers to the test against an Android adversary! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x73 – This Is the Power of a Super Namekian! No. 17 vs Piccolo
Piccolo and Android 17 trade blows in a battle of unprecedented brutality! Cell - sensing their presence - races to the scene of the skirmish in pursuit of his terrifying perfect form! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x74 – Run, No. 17! Piccolo's Suicidal Resistance
Cell's arrival forces Piccolo and the Androids into an uneasy - and temporary - alliance. While the Super Namekian mounts a desperate, final attack, Goku and Gohan wait for Vegeta to emerge from the Room of Spirit and Time! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x75 – Unmeasured Power! The Silent Warrior No. 16 Makes His Move
After defeating Piccolo, Cell turns his attention to his true prey: Androids 17 and 18. The monster must absorb them both to achieve his perfect form, but Android 16 still stands in his way! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x76 – Tenshinhan's Do-or-Die Shin Kikoho! Save Your Brother-in-Arms, Son Goku
Desperate to help Android 18 escape, Tien places his own life at risk in an unwinnable battle with the monster Cell. When the three-eyed warrior's power quickly fades, he'll need a lift from a friend to avoid a gruesome end! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x77 – Super Saiyan Surpassed! The Daring Vegeta Strikes Cell
Vegeta puts his new powers to the test in a shocking slugfest with Cell. Back in the Room of Spirit and Time, Goku attempts to teach Gohan the secret to a Super Saiyan transformation! Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x78 – Cell's Surging Resentment! Krillin, Destroy No. 18
Vegeta is fighting Cell, can he destroy him before he combines with No.18? With the emergency shutdown in hand - can Krillin shut down No.18? Gesehen von 6 Usern |
1x79 – And So, the Situation Takes a Turn for the Worst... Cell Attacks No. 18!
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1x80 – The Tables Have Turned! Perfect-Form Cell Finally Goes into Action
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1x81 – Vegeta's Full-Power Strike! But Cell's Terror Grows and Grows
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1x82 – The Awakening of Super Power! Trunks Has Surpassed His Father
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1x83 – The Television's Been Hijacked! A Live Broadcast of the Cell Games Press Conference
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1x84 – Training Completed! Does Goku Have the Composure to Defeat Cell?!
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1x85 – The Interrupted Rest! The Self-Defense Army Launches a General Offensive Against Cell
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1x86 – A New God! The Dragonballs Are Finally Revived
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1x87 – Satan's Legion Runs Wild! The Curtain Rises on the Cell Games
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1x88 – The Decisive Battle! Cell vs Son Goku
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1x89 – A Battle of the Highest Level! Defeat Cell, Son Goku
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1x90 – A Conclusion to the Death-Match! Goku's Decision Time
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1x91 – Get Angry, Gohan! Unleash Your Hidden Power
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1x92 – The Tears that Disappeared into the Sky! Gohan's Angry Super Awakening
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1x93 – Fighting Spirit Free from Hesitation! Gohan Pulverizes the Cell Juniors
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1x94 – The Perfect Form Breaks Down! This is the Super Iron Fist of Rage
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1x95 – Bye-Bye Everyone! This Is the Only Way to Save the Earth
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1x96 – Combine Our Power! The Mightiest, Final Kamehameha
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1x97 – Farewell with a Smile! Heading for New Days
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1x98 – Bring Peace to the Future! Goku's Spirit is Eternal
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